A documentary which follows the lives of children recovering from their involvement with the drug war in Brazil. Set in a rehabilitation centre on the edge of the jungle, Dear Child follows a group of kids who have been rescued from the drug war, as they learn to become children again and not soldiers or drug addicts.
Unfortunately the movie Dear Child is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Dear Child becomes available on Netflix!
Camera | Nicolás Villegas | Director of Photography |
Production | Luca Ammendola | Producer |
Production | Haukur M. Hrafnsson | Producer |
Editing | Nikolay Galitzine | Editor |
Production | Mauro Pizzo | Producer |
Sound | Simon Boswell | Music |
Sound | Zbigniew Preisner | Music |
Production | Łukasz Długołęcki | Producer |
Editing | Nikodem Chabior | Editor |
Production | Nikolay Galitzine | Producer |
Sound | Piotr Kubiak | Sound Designer |
Writing | Luca Ammendola | Writer |
Writing | Nikolay Galitzine | Writer |
Directing | Luca Ammendola | Director |
Editing | Luca Ammendola | Editor |
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