In this influential cult-classic animated film based on Japanese folklore, Susano is the youngest son of Izanagi and Izanami, the heavenly couple who created the Earth. Still a young boy, Susano is devastated by the passing away of his mother. Determined to find her despite the reprimands of his father, he embarks on a journey to find his brother and his sister for spiritual guidance.
Unfortunately the movie The Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when The Little Prince and the Eight-Headed Dragon becomes available on Netflix!
Visual Effects | Yasuji Mori | Animation Director |
Art | Reiji Koyama | Art Direction |
Directing | Yugo Serikawa | Director |
Sound | Akira Ifukube | Original Music Composer |
Visual Effects | Reiko Okuyama | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Daikichirou Kusube | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yasuo Otsuka | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Masao Kumagawa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Hideo Furusawa | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Masatake Kita | Key Animation |
Visual Effects | Yasuji Mori | Lead Animator |
Visual Effects | Chikao Katsui | Key Animation |
Directing | Isao Takahata | Assistant Director |
Writing | Ichirō Ikeda | Writer |
Writing | Takashi Iijima | Writer |
Production | Isao Takahata | Producer's Assistant |
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