The animation tells the story of Luana, a girl who is passionate about animals and lives in the countryside of São Paulo. After witnessing her friend Quiquinho, a small capuchin monkey, being captured by smugglers, Luana turns to her grandmother's tales about the legend of Caipora to save him.
Unfortunately the movie Eu Sou Caipora: A Menina e o Poder das Matas is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Eu Sou Caipora: A Menina e o Poder das Matas becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Anderson Awvas | Producer |
Directing | Fernanda Souza | Co-Director |
Writing | Roger Bravo | Writer |
Art | Leonardo Neto | Concept Artist |
Visual Effects | Natan Ernani | 3D Artist |
Directing | Thiago Vieira | Director |
Production | Thiago Vieira | Production Executive |
Art | Zé Pedro Rosa | Art Direction |
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