An animated film that chronicles the extraordinary saga of Holocaust survivor Eva Brettler – a child facing brutality and profound loss who finds sustenance in faith and her own dreams for the future. From the loss of her parents to a forced death march across Europe, young Eva survives Ravensbruck and Bergen-Belsen Concentration Camps, the destruction of her family, and the near destruction of European Jewry to emerge, with a tender heart and faith intact, crediting the goodness and decency of helpers and caretakers she encountered along the way.
Unfortunately the movie A Prayer for My Mother: The Eva Brettler Story is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when A Prayer for My Mother: The Eva Brettler Story becomes available on Netflix!
Production | Samara Hutman | Executive Producer |
Production | C. Lily Ericsson | Producer |
Production | Cheri Gaulke | Executive Producer |
Directing | Ruben Barrett | Director |
Directing | Raisa Effress | Director |
Directing | Sophia Evans | Director |
Directing | Lauren Fuchs | Director |
Directing | Katie Hadsock-Longarzo | Director |
Directing | Ian Kim | Director |
Directing | Eve Levy | Director |
Directing | Timothy Lim | Director |
Directing | Asher Meron | Director |
Directing | Marion Ochoa | Director |
Directing | Bella Rahi | Director |
Directing | Hank Schoen | Director |
Directing | Olivia Uzielli | Director |
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