A young boy named Chomatsu (Misora Hibari) lives with an old man Denbei near the grounds of Asakusa temple as bell ringers. In their house is an Echigo lion mask, a memento of Chomatsu's deceased father. After several incidents of Echigo lion masks being destroyed in the area, a local kingpin Saheiji shows up at Denbei's demanded he hand over the mask, a request Denbei rejects out of pity for Chomatsu. However, after it is accidentally revealed that the mask contains an important map, Saheiji plots to steal the mask. Chomatsu gets involved after his mother makes a sudden reappearance that sends the boy on a roundabout journey that will reveal the truth about his family.
Unfortunately the movie Somersault on the Way is not yet available on Netflix. Follow us on Facebook to see when Somersault on the Way becomes available on Netflix!
Directing | Torajirō Saitō | Director |
Production | Seikichi Ishida | Producer |
Crew | Mikio Hattori | Cinematography |
Sound | Tadashi Manjome | Music |
Directing | Kazuo Isoda | Assistant Director |
Writing | Toshio Yasumi | Screenplay |
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