The story of a mischievous young boy living in a Punjab village surrounded by a lush jungle. After a comical misunderstanding, Illti befriends Bhajno, a spirited girl seeking to reclaim her childhood home from local criminals. Together, they uncover a mafia plot to destroy the village’s jungle and embark on a courageous journey to save their homeland. Amid humor, danger, and an unexpected detour into the Stone Age, the duo fights to protect their environment and discovers love and purpose along the way.
The substance abuse of a politician’s wife threatens to derail her husband’s gubernatorial campaign. She is compelled to rehab at a remote location with her husband and an unconventional nurse, in whom her husband takes great interest.
On his daughter's birthday, a wealthy father's reconciliation attempt is hijacked by two female burglars. A shakedown evolves into a lethal cat-and-mouse as hidden motives emerge, culminating in a life-altering revelation.
In her twenties, Marjorie Annapav gained access to wealth and power but walked away from both. Decades later, she crafts her story into a play, recounting love, murder, and her marriage to artist William Copley, who paid her $600,000 to wed.
Death is a stalker– a man who idles in a sinister black car across the street, forever. A psychological car chase, a moment of near violence, and finally, a face.
In a mixture between documentary and fiction, the film examines the diverse dimensions of collecting, exploring collections contained in private households and those in museums. In doing so, it highlights the intertwined relationship between people and things.
A filmmaker’s journey into his family’s past with alcohol and opioid addiction, confronting generational trauma and the complexities of fatherhood while seeking redemption and understanding.
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