"Vestige" is a 5-minute 2D animated short film in the form of a graphic novel combined with limited animation. Through intricate and atmospheric illustrations, the story portrays the journey of an artist in search of her long-lost childhood friend. As she walks through the war-torn and forgotten hometown of her past, the contrasting lives of these two women unfold, revealing their sorrows and loss in a bittersweet light.
The Wash is a short docufiction set in a gay cruising spot in an open desert area in Southern California. Through an excavation of queer artifacts, local lore and gossip, the film documents an assemblage in flux. The Wash is a mirage of sorts. Like a junkyard of vernacular installation art designed for pleasure.
On his daughter's birthday, a wealthy father's reconciliation attempt is hijacked by two female burglars. A shakedown evolves into a lethal cat-and-mouse as hidden motives emerge, culminating in a life-altering revelation.
In the summer of 1961, a group of young Italian anthropologists made a clandestine journey through Spain, in order to record popular songs that supported anti-Franco resistance. As a result of their work, they were prosecuted and their recordings were censored. Sixty years later, and guided by Emilio Jona, aged 92, the last living member of that group of travellers, we recover the unpublished recordings and reconstruct the journey, today, across an emotional and political landscape, regaining historical memories through these songs, as relevant today as they were then.
Amanda has painted in isolation for years, using art as both expression and refuge. Institutionalised and labelled, she reclaims her narrative through her canvas. As she prepares for her first retrospective, her story reaches national newspapers, and she navigates the vulnerability of sharing her art and her truth. Will this confrontation lead to healing or a reopening of old wounds? Through immersive explorations of her luminous works, Jiménez’s documentary captures Amanda’s transformation of silence into radiance.
An intimate exploration of a Sydney-based artist Dyan Tai’s quest to create and celebrate queer Asian spaces through the transformative power of their art.
Born in 1956 with osteogenesis imperfecta, Yuuho faced a life filled with physical challenges and societal prejudice. Overwhelmed by despair, she once attempted suicide. However, everything changed at 19 when she joined a disability rights movement. At 27, she studied abroad in the United States, where she encountered feminism and began to redefine her identity. Now, Yuuho proudly declares, “My body is beautiful.”
An Irish geologist teaching in Italy gets a call from a Berlin hospital: her estranged father, whom she hasn't seen for over 30 years, is unconscious after a fall. As his next of kin, she is asked to come to Berlin. Over the course of a night in her father's Berlin apartment she learns from his diaries about a trip he took with a friend to Italy in the early 2000s to research fascist-era buildings and sculptures. It is a trip that ended in tragedy. Latina, Latina is a timely and moving hybrid-documentary that looks at a political ideology through the objects and buildings it left behind.
Almost everyone has played the Lottery and everyone would like to win it. When the National Lottery was launched in Ireland in 1986, a type of mania ensued with the public taking the game to their hearts. In a depressed and dysfunctional era, the technologically advanced National Lottery was one of the country's few trusted institutions, running like clockwork and dispersing funds to good causes. Whitaker's documentary tells the story of Stefan, the man who tried to beat the Lotto system by attempting to fix the draw, an act that divided a whole nation.
For the first 18 years of her life, Mozart’s sister shared equal billing with her brother. Musical partners and collaborators, Wolfgang Mozart and Maria-Anna Mozart played together before Kings and Queens, and were the talk of Europe. What happened to her? Forced into retirement by age 16 because she was a woman, a stunning new investigation explores why she was retired against her will and the explosive theory: did Maria-Anna Mozart continue to compose in secret?
A comedy that highlights values and shows how love can do everything, told from the perspective of Sebastián, a boy who was born with two parents and ended up with a different, tolerant and inclusive family, but with the true meaning of what it is to be family. The film tells the story of Virginia, who donates her eggs to her twin brother David and his partner Bruno so that they can become parents, hidden from her husband Miguel. After the birth of the baby, Bruno and Virginia die in a tragic accident, and Miguel and David must join together to protect Sebastian.
A young girl plays a violent game after her sister is arrested for an unspeakable crime. Her stuffed toys find themselves plunged into lord-of-the-flies depravity.
The documentary team follows two happiness agents in their forties who spend a month and a half on the road twice a year, going door-to-door with their questionnaires in isolated villages in the Himalayas. The filmmakers undertake to provide an intimate insight into the daily lives and desires of Bhutanese people, and also seek the answer to the universal question of whether happiness can really be measured. Gross National Happiness promises a heart-warming journey into a mysterious, fairytale-like world, which is the exact opposite of the social order dominated by consumption and desires.
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