Test 1 is a hand-painted abstract 16mm film with live sound performance. The sound comes from self-built devices that transfer light into the sound, as well as electro-magnetic waves into the sound.
Through interviews and the music of the beating of a fan in the summer heat the migrant domestic laborers and care working women of Territorio Doméstico articulate their struggle for labor rights, for the right to care and to be cared for, for a dignified life. Their voices, heard through testimonies, joyful celebrations and battle cries, make visible the women behind the essential labor that makes the world go round.
Across Dallas, the Bay Area, and New York City, eleven Blackqueer folks engage in layered conversations and candid everyday moments of joy, melancholy, introspection, euphoria, loneliness, and community-in-active-formation. Their complex minds revel in the journey of becoming Blackqueer and exploring their endless coming of age.
Meme Man, a voice based on Disney's Belle, and a 3D scan of a Rodin sculpture star in this experimental documentary built around my spouse's nightmarish sleep talk and my endless scrolling of Instagram and Reddit before bed.
The 98th installment and collection of horror videos that carefully select and introduce psychic images that are being born from darkness and are about to be buried in the darkness!
A digital re-staging of an expanded cinema event, built on 27 10-second 16mm film loops that were constructed from optically printed found footage and direct laser animation techniques. An obstacle course leads to [DESTINY.] I meditate on the body’s materiality and the struggle to achieve personal sovereignty within its bounds.
The POstables leads an investigation that takes them on the road not only to find the recipient of a lost letter, but also to track down a rock star who holds the keys.
Letters to a maternal ancestor reflect on identity connected to ethnic heritage, while also embracing a broader notion of family beyond bloodlines. Weaving images and sounds from the filmmaker’s personal ties to two cities—Detroit and Beirut—the film poses the central question: How do we belong to each other?
In the turmoil of the Jeju 4.3 incident, Jeju Island witnessed the loss of an estimated 25,000 to 30,000 lives, with women constituting a significant yet often unrecognized proportion of the victims. This documentary illuminates the once-shrouded experiences of these women, led by a dedicated Jeju 4.3 researcher.
If an A-bomb test serves as a rehearsal for mankind’s ultimate performance, what would an encore look like? Rachmaninoff’s Prelude in C-sharp Minor tolls the last bells for a strange march to the scaffold. A black-clad figure (concert pianist—or Death himself?) shares the screen with vintage bomb-testing footage, ending with the masters of war claiming their credit.
A prostitute named Haunted is troubled by the murder of her girlfriend—though not dead, she moves through the world like a ghost. She rides up an endless escalator, and wanders cityscapes wrought with mysterious symbols. Meanwhile, her client John, growing increasingly paranoid he is being watched, digs himself deeper and deeper into a hole in his backyard.
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